Thursday, April 05, 2007

That's It For That!

After much consideration I have decided to end this blog.

Never fear however, I will now be chanelling my blogging energy into writing for Reading Toronto as well as updating my Flickr site. Since I recently lost a bunch of photos in a hard drive crash, that should give me some incentive to get out there and get clicking once again.

Its been fun! Cheers!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

See Ya in April

I've decided to go on a temporary hiatus. I've just been too busy with school and life in general to keep updating regularly. By the time April rolls around, and I have some more time, I'll be able to decide whether to keep this blog going, or just focus on expanding and updating my Flickr site (which is still pretty basic right now).

Thanks, and check back in April 2007.