Friday, July 28, 2006
Juana Molina
Listen here.
See what Pitchfork had to say.
Bird Entertainment
Avalon Organics
Revue Film Society

Although the Festival theatres have now closed, there is still hope. The Save the Revue society is trying to get people and funds together to reopen the Revue theatre and run it on a non-profit community basis. Sweet. They need to raise some funds by mid-August, so if 700 people contributed $20, it would meet the target! Please donate and learn more about the effort at the Save the Revue site. Tell all your friends! Why should we be forced to pay over $12 to see a movie?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Mass Anti-War Rally - July 22, 2006 - Post 2

I love to see proud Palestinian children!
I must admit that I didn't know much about the whole Guernica thing before reading this sign....if you're in the same boat, look here.
Mass Anti-War Rally - July 22, 2006 - Post 1

Some signs didn't exactly make grammatical sense, but its the thought that counts!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Stop the (Middle East) War Rally - Saturday July 22!
Israel's actions making your blood boil? Feel the need to protest? In the Toronto area? Come on out to the rally this Saturday, organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War. Here are the details:
MASS RALLY Saturday, July 221:00pmIsraeli Consulate180 Bloor Street West(west of Avenue Road, north side of Bloor)
The situation in the Middle East has rapidly escalated into an international crisis that threatens to pull the entire region into full-scale war. In response to the capture of one of its soldiers, Israel has attacked Gaza - bombing water and electricity stations, bridges, roads and other vital infrastructure, creating a humanitarian disaster for hundreds of thousands of people.
Israel has now spread its attack to Lebanon - bombing Beirut's international airport, major highways and other civilian infrastructure, at the same time issuing threats to Syria and Iran.Scores of innocent people in both Gaza and Lebanon have now been killed by Israeli bombs. These are war crimes.
Join the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War and its allies for an emergency public meeting on Monday night to discuss the growing threat of war throughout the region and what we can do to stop it. Then join us for a mass rally on Saturday to demand an immediate stop to Israel's attack on Gaza and Lebanon and to oppose an attack on Syria and Iran.
Organised byToronto Coalition to Stop the WarEndorsed byCanadian Arab FederationJewish Women's Committee to End the OccupationCoalition Against Israeli ApartheidMuslim Unity Group - TorontoFor more information or to endorse, please e-mail
Toronto Coalition to Stop the WarTCSW is Toronto's city-wide anti-war coalition,comprised of more than fifty labour, faith and community organisations,and a member of the Canadian Peace 416-795-5863
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Darth Vader Ants?

I have developed a recent fascination with ants, which led me to the discovery of the so-called "Darth Vader" Ant. You can be the judge, from the pic above. They have this helmet-like structure around their head, and they have spikes along their bodies. Its a South American ant (where all the most developed and large insects come from), and has recently been discovered exhibiting gliding behaviour. Apparently, if dropped from a tree, these ants can do a turn in mid-air and come back to the tree trunk. This supposedly protects them from falling to the forest floor (almost certain death), and allows them to find the branch where they nest. Neat. See the 4 minute video here and learn more here.
I have this theory that one day, cockroaches and ants will take over the world. Ants have the social organization and strength, and cockroaches have the staying power. Don't think humans will be around to see it though. Maybe Speilberg will make a sci-fi film about it. Chris told me the other day that the film Them is hilarious (in a way that only horror films from the 50's can be). I'll have to check it out one day....
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Afrofest 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006
Canada Day Weekend in Tobermory 3: Wind Project

Canada Day Weekend in Tobermory 2: "Nature" Shots

This is the second post in short series of shots taken at our cottage in Tobermory on the July 1st weekend. I just love rocks, they live such a different existence than we do. Good ol' rock, nothing beats that.
We had some scary and amazing looking storm clouds come in. Sweet.
This is a shot of the lovely stone steps on the cottage next to ours. We often see kids clambering about on the rocks in search of crayfish and frogs.
This one is of Singing Sands (so named because it is so flat and windy so that the wind "sings"through the sand), which is part of the Bruce Peninsula National Park. I love this beach because you almost feel as if you're at the end of the world. Also, you can walk out for a good quarter mile and still have the water only come up to your knees. One of the only places that you can go swimming this early in the year....we wouldn't dare go swimming in Georgian Bay yet!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Get Your Retro Fix!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Canada Day Weekend in Tobermory 1: Sunsets
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
What We All Long For
- Books set in Toronto are great, as us Torontonians can really relate a lot more to someone talking about something happening in Kensington Market, as opposed to Time Square or something.
- If, like me, you were born and raised in and around Toronto and are the child of visible minority immigrants, this book is for you. The rest of you will still enjoy it, but it won't have the personal tang that it does for those in my category. Honest. Proper.
- I always admire writers that can create meaningful dialogue between characters in slang, which is something that I can never accomplish in my writing.
- Always good to read something from a black-feminist-lesbian-Trinidadian author.
Stop reading about it and go buy it now at one of your friendly neighbourhood book retailers like Book City or Pages or Another Story Bookshop or the Toronto Women's Bookstore or A Different Booklist.
Rate My Kitten!

Just came across this site today by accident.....we all think we have the most beautiful kitten, right? I guess we all do, since our own opinion is really all that matters. But, if you feel the need to have strangers validate your opinion of your own kitten's cuteness, check out the site! I believe there are also rate my bunny and puppy affilated sites as well.
PS - I really do have the cutest kitten (well...more like a grown up cat but she'll always be kitten to me)! Her pic is above!